"If you raise your hand and say, 'Gee, Ms. Smith, I haven't understood a single word you've said
all day,' Ms. Smith is going to hate you. If you raise your hand and say, 'Gee, Ms. Smith, I haven't
understood a single word you've said all week,' Ms. Smith is going to hate you five times as much. And
if you raise your hand and say, 'Gee, Ms. Smith, I haven't understood a single word you've said all year,'
Ms. Smith is going to pull out a gun and shoot you."
it stanes out becase most amaricans like to judge people, like on the trolley, when people see a hobo all the people will move to the other side and don't talk to him. They do not take the time to see how cool he is. Ms. Smith is judging the students, and she is scapegoated the students, she is not explaining it right and says its the students fault. This Ms. Smith reminds me of my old teacher Ms. Smith she was and old lady who would get mad when the student didn't understand.