
Friday, June 18, 2010


This project was about raising awareness of music in Schools. This was also about learning the physics of how sound works. We also learned how to build a piano, and how hard it was to build the hammers of piano.

The construction of a piano is made of wood that is picked for sturdiness; the rim is made of Beech or maple wood. This is so that more sound stays in the sound board when the notes are played. Pianos produce sound using wire that is made of high quality steel; the bass strings are wrapped in copper wire, the treble strings are doubled and the higher octaves are even tripled, this will help them produce the same volume of sound. The stronger the steel plate, that holds the strings tension, the more sound will be created. A string is fixed on both ends and each string is a different length, also when a hammer with wool on it, hits the string in makes a soothing sound. The hammer is connected by the keys that make a corresponding note. The lengths of the strings change the frequency, the longer the string the lower the frequency or note. A shorter string length creates a higher note. The tension of the string can also change the note, the more the tension the higher the frequency as well. The sound is produced by two nodes and an anti node, which vibrates the air.


Having fun

My mom slouched in thorough the door with all here bags and mumbled “I have to pull weeds and then clean the house and then make dinner.” I am thinking to myself she needs a break and moments later the phone rings and she looks at who it is. It’s one of her friends she picks it up, and all of a sudden she is laughing and in such a good mood. That is when I realized that laughing in the world can make anybody happy.

Just like whenever I am staying up with my friends, usually past 3 a.m., we just laugh. We don’t stop, just someone’s laugh can make the rest of us laugh, just goes on and on. We wake up and we are in the best mood, the days go by as if they never started, because anything at all can make you laugh. I feel like the entire burden I had the whole week, of homework, school, disappears.

When we are packing some times we are so stressed that we can’t wait to go out to the desert. My mom and I were getting ready for the desert, we were in a total rush, getting frustrated with everything, that wasn’t one thing that didn’t go good, we ran out of gas, we were yelling screaming and cursing. We finally got to the desert and everybody was there sitting around the campfire, our friends were telling the funniest jokes I have ever heard, and we just broke out into laughter. We felt like our body was clear, our burden was lifted from the last four months of not going out there. We just had the greatest time ever.

Another day laughing tat made me feel better was my first day of in a race, I fell when my foot slipped off the pedal, almost hit my head on the crank, my back tire hit the place where your wife aims for when she is mad and I was just about to get passed by a girl, I peddled my hardest to stay in front of her. Even though I was mad because I didn’t get in first, but laughing with mom made that crash so much easier. My elbows felt better, and after recovering I felt like I could have kids again, and this laughter got me ready for that next race in which I ended up placing first. Laughter is like having ice cream; you can’t eat it without feeling good. It’s like watching a Youtube video that says “I bet you can’t watch this without laughing.” There is nothing you can not accomplish when you are in a good mood.

- Shane Saour, June 2nd 2010

The children’s book we made in spanish

here is my favorite pages in the whole book

Mi hermano es Shane. A él le gusta xbox 360. Él es inteligente

.my name is shanes.I like xbox 360. i am intelig3ent. gustar was used as a reflexive.

Mi tio es Raynald. Èl es talentoso. A él le gusta musica.

my uncle Raynald. he is talented. he likes music