
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

my viyet !!

Shane Saour
The Power of Halo
My friend Andrew and I plunged down on to the couch to play an awesome game called Halo! Andrew started the game and the music hooked me right away. The music sounded like you where the worlds last shot to save humanity. With a little mixture of rock n roll added in. The makers of halo pull you in to the game you think you’re the man your the master chief every thing is in you control no one can stop you. When you kill an alien you really see the shininess of the blue and purple blood, landing on the ground. That is how detailed the graphics look. Then we get to see the story line and just that makes you want to play halo 2. There are many levels to the game that are so exhilarating. You don’t need to think. You get sucked in mindlessly. If you are number one that is the only way you get lost. The smack talk you can give in multiplayer matches is so great that I can’t even start to talk about. If you kick butt you can just throw it in their face. When you kill a enemy and your adrenalin is pumping throw you, you react with a you gust got pawned or you got owned. If you get killed and are getting owned then you let out a @*%$ you or some thing bad you no. If you are not care full it will become a drug you won’t do well in school and will be lazy. If you’re good at the halo you can make a lot of money winning games professionally. If you suck then you will FAIL unless you get off or can manage it.

Now me I could not manage it at all. It because all I ever do is play this game never stop on till I reached the top. I all most reach the top and my mom shut my internet of and school started so I did all my home work to play halo when I got home. My mom didn’t say anything to me just let me play. I got fat but I still kick butt in athletics. Not even a car can stop me.

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